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Image Styles

There are many different types of image styles. Scroll this page to see the different kinds of images you can have.

Extended Image

The extended image extends past the content of the page or post. By default, the text on a page only stretches part of the way off the page. That way, it makes paragraphs of text easier to read, and images stand out. After all, a picture is worth 1000 words.

A sample Caption

A sample Caption

Full Width Image

A full width image breaks out of the box. It can be created by adding a full-width slideshow to your page or post, and only adding a single slide.


Parallax Image

A parallax image stays fixed to the background, and the page content scrolls around it. Perfect for a big reveal. The user is rewarded for scrolling and interacting with your site, and they can see a full-screen image – a piece at a time.

This is a caption for the desk image.

This is a caption for the desk image.

Right Aligned Image
Customize your captions.

A right floated Image

Nullam venenatis volutpat lectus sed pulvinar. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse magna arcu, placerat id vestibulum a, laoreet vitae ipsum. Ut ornare pellentesque viverra. Quisque fringilla neque id nisi malesuada, sed lobortis lectus viverra. Donec dictum lectus vel nisl accumsan, fermentum euismod mi dictum. Etiam pretium elementum felis, non congue dui scelerisque ac. Ut ornare pellentesque viverra. Quisque fringilla neque id nisi malesuada, sed lobortis lectus viverra donec dictum.



Left Aligned Image


A sample Caption

A sample Caption

Nullam venenatis volutpat lectus sed pulvinar.Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse magna arcu, placerat id vestibulum a, laoreet vitae ipsum. Ut ornare pellentesque viverra. Quisque fringilla neque id nisi malesuada,sed lobortis lectus viverra. Donec dictum lectus vel nisl accumsan, fermentum euismod mi dictum.



Regular Old Image with a Caption

This is just a regular old image that fits to the content area.

This is a caption for the desk image.